Visual Memory

Visual skills are important in reading, as well as math and other areas. Children will develop visual memory as they play these games and have fun.

Arrange three or four objects on the floor or table. Cover the objects with a “magic” blanket, then ask the child to name the objects. As children improve, add more objects for them to remember.

Place three or four objects in front of the child. Have the child close their eyes while you hide one object behind your back. When the child open their eyes, see if he/ she can tell you which one is missing.

Go on a memory walk around the house or school. Tell the child to “take pictures” of all the things they see with their eyes. When you return, make a list of all the things they can remember seeing.

Show the child an interesting picture from a book for 10-15 seconds. Put the book down, then ask the child to tell you something the child saw.

Give the child 5 to 10 blocks. Make an arrangement in front of the child with your blocks, then cover it up with a box or a blanket. Challenge the child to copy you and build the same thing with their blocks.



Make several shapes, designs, or letters on poster cards. Give the child a piece of paper and crayon or pencil. Hold up one card at a time for 10 seconds while the children study it. Put the card down and ask the child to reproduce what they remember on their paper.


Make concentration games with shapes, stickers, or letters. Start with five pairs and increase the number of pairs as the child improve. Place all the cards face down on the floor or table. The child turns over two cards. If the cards match, the player gets to keep them and gets another turn.


After reading a story, ask the child questions about the illustrations in the book. For example “What colour is Sally’s hair?” “How many windows did Jack’s house have?”

Follow-up nature outings, and field trips with questions where the child must recall things he/ she has seen.